Code of Conduct
1. Preliminary remarks and principles
For PentaSoft and its affiliated companies (hereinafter referred to as PentaSoft), social responsibility is an integral part of their value system in addition to economic success. We focus on responsible and rule-compliant conduct towards business partners, society, the environment and also within the company towards employees. Above all, the intensive handling of information and data associated with PentaSoft’s business model is an integral component and yardstick for compliance with social and ethical norms and values.
The PentaSoft Code of Conduct presented here contains common guidelines that must be observed as binding minimum standards by our employees, as well as by the Management Board and Supervisory Board, in their daily work and in decision-making processes. These standards must be observed not only externally, but also within our company as a guideline for responsible conduct. These rules of conduct should also serve management and executives as guidelines for the management and further development of the company in human resources management and personnel leadership as well as for the development of strategies.
In order to ensure compliance with and implementation of the Code of Conduct, managers have a particularly exemplary function. An essential part of the tasks of our managers and management is the credible embodiment of PentaSoft’s corporate values by consistently exemplifying our corporate culture and by complying with the law.
In addition, it is of crucial importance that a climate of openness is created in which employees are encouraged to discuss issues openly without having to fear negative consequences or sanctions.
1.1 Observance of laws ans social norms
Compliance with applicable laws internationally, nationally and locally in full, as well as behavior according to ethical principles is a matter of course for us. In addition, we observe national and local customs, traditions and other social norms.
Compliance with these regulations and standards makes a decisive contribution to the long-term business success of the company. Violations lead not only to criminal prosecution and the assertion of claims for damages, but also to a loss of reputation and trust in the company. The latter forms an essential foundation for sustainable economic success in PentaSoft’s business environment.
The law-compliant and ethical behavior is demanded of every employee, the executives and the management. Violations by our employees as well as by PentaSoft’s business partners will not be tolerated. If there is any doubt as to the legal adequacy of a decision, the expertise of a third party must be obtained.
1.2 Prohibition of discrimination
Discrimination on the grounds of ethnic or national origin, colour, sex, religion or belief, disability, age, social background, sexual orientation, pregnancy or parenthood or any other ground covered by the prohibition of discrimination is prohibited and will not be tolerated. Any decision shall be made free from discriminatory background. The principle of non-discrimination applies to employees as well as to business relationships with suppliers and customers. Compliance with these regulations is also required of the company’s business partners.
2. Dealing with employees and colleagues
2.1 Principle
We respect the personal dignity, privacy and personal rights of each individual employee. We stand for equal opportunities and conduct that is based on respect and tolerance. We adhere to the applicable labor laws and stand for adequate remuneration for our work. Personnel-related decisions are made without discrimination. The behaviour of employees is characterized by mutual appreciation, respectful and dignified treatment as well as honesty. Any form of harassment, intimidation and bullying will not be tolerated. The Management Board, executives and management are obliged to comply with the basic legal regulations and rules as well as the company’s internal rules.
2.2 Open debate and exchange of information
The mutual and open interaction in communication and information exchange is of crucial importance for the stability and success of the company, especially in a business model based on information-intensive services and solutions.
On the one hand, a culture of open discussion is promoted or demanded without anyone having to fear negative consequences. This means that employees can or should also address and express critical topics and concerns without hesitation and be able to turn to their superiors or the management with confidence.
The management and executives in particular are encouraged to create a correspondingly open atmosphere.
.On the other hand, we maintain an open and timely exchange of information in our cooperation. In the case of services that are very information-intensive, the prompt exchange of information within the projects (status, changes, etc.) is essential. The exchange of information not only with the customer, but also internally with each other is of essential importance and is an integral part of PentaSoft’s philosophy. Besides the pure information in the daily operative cooperation, the exchange of information about project experiences, new technologies and other knowledge gains in the sense of internal training plays an important role for the continuous further development of PentaSoft’s services.
2.3 Forced Labor and Child Labor
All forms of forced and child labor is prohibited. Any form of exploitation, especially of children, is prohibited. PentaSoft ensures fair working conditions.
2.4 Health and safety
PentaSoft takes responsibility for the health and safety of its employees. Occupational health and safety regulations must be observed by all employees.
3. Dealing with customers, business partners and third parties
The way we behave towards our customers and business partners determines the long-term success of our company. In line with our striving for long-term business relationships, our dealings with our customers and business partners are characterized by openness, fairness and trust. It is therefore a matter of course for us that we behave in accordance with rules and ethics towards our customers, business partners and others.
3.1 Transparency in the provision of services
One component is that there is transparency at all times about the provision of services for business partners.
This means that information regarding effort, progress, problem areas, activity content etc. is made available to the customer in a timely and comprehensible manner. This is also demanded of PentaSoft by its suppliers and business partners.
3.2 Open communication
PentaSoft stands for a target-oriented implementation of projects and services. PentaSoft maintains a prompt and open communication not only about successful results, but also about conspicuous features and emerging problem areas, so that these can be dealt with quickly and as early as possible.
3.3 Prohibition of corruption and bribery
PentaSoft will not tolerate or engage in any corruption or bribery, including any unlawful payment offer or similar inducement, to influence decision making. The prohibition of taking or granting benefits applies not only to direct financial benefits, but also to other inappropriate benefits that may call into question business and official independence.
4. Handling information (data security, data protection and confidentiality)
The confidential and secure handling of data and information in general and of personal data in particular is of fundamental and outstanding importance for PentaSoft. We are aware of the high sensitivity of the data and information of our customers, business partners and employees. All employees of PentaSoft are responsible for an absolutely confidential handling of the information made known by our customers within the scope of our projects and tasks.
Business documents as well as data and documents of our business partners (in electronic or paper form) are protected from unauthorized access.
We do not communicate confidential information which has become known to us about customers and business partners (including their customers and business partners) to third parties and we pay attention to the confidentiality of the information received during personal conversations, telephone calls and in public (e.g. in public transport). Confidential information may also not be used or passed on for personal gain.
5. Behaviour on detection of infringements
Individual misconduct and violations of the rules of conduct set out in this Code of Conduct are fundamentally liable to damage PentaSoft. Therefore, if an employee becomes aware of a violation of the Code of Conduct or suspects a corresponding violation, a trusted third party in the immediate vicinity (e.g. team leader/supervisor) must be consulted. If this is not possible in a special case or not indicated due to the circumstances, the members of the Management Board are available as contact persons.